30 Jan 2018

Using Machine Learning to draw insights from smart meter data

Being an Electric Utility and Energy industry planner, Data science practioner and a Deep (yes!) Machine Learning enthusiast, I wanted to analyse, model and predict my own power consumption patterns using machine learning techniques and the data collected from the smart meter installed at my house. As an added benefit, I can use my predictions to prepay my energy bill in advance and save some bucks too! :-)

I wanted this to be beneficial to other too who are getting started with Data Science/ Machine Learning/ Time Series Predictions. So, you can follow me along using the post below if you want to do analysis on your own data or on a different dataset. If time permits, I will also publish and write about predictions with Deep Learning (RNNs/LSTMs specifically) using PyTorch.

Let’s get started!

Let’s first import few modules that we need to load and process the data

import numpy as np  #Numeric Python
import pandas as pd #Data structures & anaylysis
import matplotlib   #Plotting and visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime as dt#Datatype to hold timestamps
#Magic function to enable inline plots in ipython
%matplotlib inline

Power consumption with respect to time can be seen as a time series data. Training a machine learning algorithm based on large amount of such series data and using that to predict the power consumption given a time in the future is one approach. The machine learning algorithm could be as simple as a linear regression or sophisticated like a Deep neural network. In the case of linear regression, the data is modeled as a linear equation of the form Equation 1. Linear Regression.

We know that the power consumption is going to be dependent on the ambient temperature. So, I decided to first get weather data for my locality for further analysis

Luckily, the National Center for Environmental Information, part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA) has made such weather [data available][1]. In fact, they have released a quality controlled dataset that is a “selected subsets of monthly, daily, hourly and sub-hourly (5-minute) USCRN/USRCRN data”. “The most useful variables, including air temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, surface temperature, soil moisture and soil temperature data, are available

I am using the 15 minute (Sub-hourly) data for the analysis. (Fact: Smart Meters these days can report up-to 1-minute interval data!).

![1]: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/crn/qcdatasets.html

Let’s get going with the code now. Importing/reading and preparing/cleaning the data for the analysis is the first step for any data-analysis task. (Fact: Real-world data is never perfect!). In the following cell, I am reading temperature data into by ipython notebook using pandas library’s read_csv function.

I am then merging date and time columns and writing it out to another csv file named “temperature_data_stillwater_OK_2_W.csv” just to make it easy to run the analysis from this point without depending on the full dataset which I am not using for this analysis.

dateparse = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d %H%M')
df = pd.read_csv(inputFile)

df['LST_TIME']=[str(x).zfill(4) for x in df['LST_TIME']]
df['timestamp']=[str(x)+' '+str(y) for x,y in zip(df['LST_DATE'],df['LST_TIME'])]
df['timestamp']=[str(x).strip('\n') for x in df['timestamp']]
df['timestamp']=df['timestamp'].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x,'%Y%m%d %H%M'))

#print (df['timestamp'][0])

Let’s store the temperature data (which is air temperature and the time stamp) as a pandas dataframe here.


Let’s a function to convert the temperature time stamp into my desired format of “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” and reading the temperature csv (which we generated in the previous cells) using numpy’s genfromtext function

temperatureDateConverter = lambda d : dt.datetime.strptime(d.decode("utf-8"),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
temperature = np.genfromtxt('temperature_data.csv',delimiter=",",dtype=[('timestamp', type(dt.datetime.now)),('tempC', 'f8')],converters={0: temperatureDateConverter}, skip_header=1)

Let’s print the temperature variable to see if we got it into desired format:

print (temperature)
[(datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0), -1.8)
 (datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 5), -2.0)
 (datetime.datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 10), -1.9) ...,
 (datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31, 17, 50), 6.3)
 (datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31, 17, 55), 5.9)
 (datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31, 18, 0), 5.6)]

Now let’s print the type and size of the temperature data:

print("The variable 'temperature' is a " + str(type(temperature)) + " and it has the following shape: " + str(temperature.shape))
The variable 'temperature' is a <type 'numpy.ndarray'> and it has the following shape: (105337,)
<dictproxy {'tempC': (dtype('float64'), 8), 'timestamp': (dtype('O'), 0)}>
#dates = matplotlib.dates.date2num(temperature['timestamp'][0:10])
#tval=[i for i in range(0,10)]

Let’s see how the timestamps look like, for this dataset:


#axes = plt.gca()
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f9ec83ede10>]


#print ttt['timestamp']

In the above plot, It can be visually seen that there no gaps in the temperature dataset, but to be sure about that, I am computing the minimum and maximum difference:

print("The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " + str(np.min(np.diff(temperature['timestamp']))))
print("The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " + str(np.max(np.diff(temperature['timestamp'])))      )
The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: 0:05:00
The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: 0:05:00

The minimum and the maximum difference are both are 5 minutes, which means that there really is no gap in the datset, and all temperature measurements were taken 5 minutes apart.

The aim is to use updated temperature value at every 15 mins. We right now have 5 min interval dataset. Downsampling is the way to go. There are many ways to do the downsampling. This is beyond the scope of this post, so I am simply selecting every third sample to downsample the dataset:

temperature = temperature[0:-1:3]

Making note of when the first and last timestamp are:

print("First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".format(temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1]))
First timestamp is on 	2016-01-01 00:00:00.
Last timestamp is on 	2016-12-31 17:45:00.

Loading the Power Data

I am using numpy’s genfromtext function like how I did in the case of temperature data above.

dateparse = lambda x: pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y%m%d %H%M')
powerDF = pd.read_csv(inputFile)

powerDF['Meter Read Start']=powerDF['Meter Read Start'].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x.split('.')[0],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))
powerDF['Meter Read End']=powerDF['Meter Read End'].apply(lambda x: dt.datetime.strptime(x.split('.')[0],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))

Like the temperature data case, let’s again define a function with datetime library to obtain the data and time in desired format

dateConverter = lambda d : dt.datetime.strptime(d.decode("utf-8"),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
power = np.genfromtxt('power_data.csv',delimiter=",",names=True,dtype=['S255',dt.datetime,dt.datetime,'S255','f8','S255','f8','S255'],converters={1: dateConverter})
print power.dtype.fields
{'Consumption_or_Production_Value': (dtype('float64'), 526), 'Consumption_or_Production': (dtype('S255'), 271), 'Consumption_or_Production_Unit': (dtype('S255'), 534), 'Meter_Read_Start': (dtype('O'), 255), 'Meter_Number': (dtype('S255'), 0), 'Meter_Read_End': (dtype('O'), 263), 'Value': (dtype('float64'), 789), 'Units': (dtype('S255'), 797)}

** Notice ** that the column/header name Time is now going to be Meter_Read_Start moving forward

let’s figure out how many meters there are (I expect it to be just one meter as I am using my home’s smart meter data alone)

name, indices, counts  = np.unique(power['Meter_Number'], return_index=True,return_counts=True)

Printing that information in a more readable style:

for i in range(len(name)):
    print('Meter Number:'+str(name[i])+"\n\t from "+str(power[indices[i]]['Meter_Read_Start'])+" to "+str(power[indices[i]+counts[i]-1]['Meter_Read_Start'])+"\n\t or "+str(power[indices[i]+counts[i]-1]['Meter_Read_Start']-power[indices[i]]['Meter_Read_Start']))

Meter Number:763811062
	 from 2016-03-13 00:00:00 to 2016-12-30 17:45:00
	 or 292 days, 17:45:00
power = np.sort(power,order='Meter_Read_Start')

visualizing the data through the plot is the most effective way to get a feel of the data we are dealing with:

fig1= plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
plt.ylabel('Power [Watts]')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f9ec98932d0>


The plot doesn’t seem to help much in determining if there are gaps in the data set so I’ll run some numbers to determine if there are gaps:

power = np.sort(power,order='Meter_Read_Start')
print "The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " + str(np.min(np.diff(power['Meter_Read_Start'])))
print "The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: " + str(np.max(np.diff(power['Meter_Read_Start'])))
The minimum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: 0:00:00
The maximum difference between any two consecutive timestamps is: 2 days, 0:15:00

the first and last timestamp for this (power) dataset:

print "First timestamp is on \t{}. \nLast timestamp is on \t{}.".format(power['Meter_Read_Start'][0], power['Meter_Read_Start'][-1])
First timestamp is on 	2016-03-13 00:00:00.
Last timestamp is on 	2016-12-30 17:45:00.

Harmonizing the time series of temperature and power data

First I’m trying to recollect what times the two time series (power and temperature) start and end:

print "Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}".format(power['Meter_Read_Start'][0], power['Meter_Read_Start'][-1], temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1])
Power data from 2016-03-13 00:00:00 to 2016-12-30 17:45:00.
Temperature data from 2016-01-01 00:00:00 to 2016-12-31 17:45:00

The temperature has data for extra days. Clearly, we don’t need the portion of the temperature data that is collected beyond the dates that we have power data from the smart meter at my home. I will go ahead and remove this (note that the magic number 24*4 corresponds to 24 hours):


temperature = ttt[5246:-24*4]
print "Power data from {0} to {1}.\nTemperature data from {2} to {3}".format(power['Meter_Read_Start'][0], power['Meter_Read_Start'][-1], temperature['timestamp'][0], temperature['timestamp'][-1])
Power data from 2016-03-13 00:00:00 to 2016-12-30 17:45:00.
Temperature data from 2016-02-24 15:30:00 to 2016-12-30 17:45:00

Creating the interpolation function here:

def power_interp(tP, P, tT):
    # This function assumes that the input is an numpy.ndarray of datetime objects

    # Most useful interpolation tools don't work well with datetime objects
    # so I will convert all datetime objects into the number of seconds elapsed
    # since 1/1/1970 at midnight (also called the UNIX Epoch, or POSIX time):

    toposix = lambda d: (d - dt.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)).total_seconds()
    tP = map(toposix, tP)
    tT = map(toposix, tT)

    # Now we interpolate
    from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
    f = interp1d(tP, P,'linear',bounds_error=False)

    return f(tT)

Let’s use that funciton to get a copy of the interpolated power values, extracted at exactly the same timestamps as the temperature dataset:

newPowerValues = power_interp(power['Meter_Read_Start'], power['Value'], temperature['timestamp'])

Let’s rename the variables (for simplicity purposes), which are required to carry further analysis:

toposix = lambda d: (d - dt.datetime(1970,1,1,0,0,0)).total_seconds()

timestamp_in_seconds = map(toposix,temperature['timestamp'])
timestamps = temperature['timestamp']
temp_values = temperature['tempC']
power_values = newPowerValues

Now let’s put all of this data into a single structured array.

a=(timestamps, power_values, temp_values)
data = np.asarray(a)
data = data.T
print "The size of the data is: " + str((data.shape)) + "and the type is:  " + str(type(data))
print data[0]
The size of the data is: (29770, 3)and the type is:  <type 'numpy.ndarray'>
[datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 24, 15, 30) nan 12.9]

Since we have the timestamps in ‘datetime’ format we can easily do the extraction of the indeces:

weekday = map(lambda t: t.weekday(), timestamps)
weekends = np.where([item==5 or item==6 for item in weekday])
weekdays = np.where([item ==0 or item==1 or item==2 or item==3 or item==4 for item in weekday])

Let’s check if we did this correctly

len(weekday) == len(weekends[0]) + len(weekdays[0]) ## This is assuming you have a tuple of ndarrays

Seems like we did!

Since I am a 9 to 5 office worker, the unoccupied times of my home are during that interval (since the hour index starts from 0)

hour = map(lambda t: t.hour, timestamps)
unoccupied = np.where([item>=8 and item<=18 for item in hour])
occupied = np.where([item<=8 or item>=18 for item in hour])

#print hour[50:100]
#print occupied[0][0:100]
#print unoccupied[0][0:100]

print power_values
[  nan   nan   nan ...,  272.  144.  152.]


As our next task let’s plot the power consumption during occupied and unoccupied timings of my home. The power and respective temperature values can be stored in different variables by using the indices we obtained in the previous cells.

power_o=power_values[occupied];   # power measurements at occupied times
temp_o=temp_values[occupied];     # temperature measurements at occupied times
power_uo=power_values[unoccupied]; # power measurements at unoccupied times
temp_uo=temp_values[unoccupied];   # temperature measurements at unoccupied times

print str(power_o.shape) + str(power_uo.shape)
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True);
ax1.plot(temp_o, power_o,'ro');
ax1.set_title('occuppied case');
ax2.plot(temp_uo, power_uo, 'bo');
ax2.set_title('unoccupied case');
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7f9ef84fca50>


The above figure shows the plot between the power and temperatue in occupied and unoccupied cases.

Preparing the regression model


Equation 1. Linear Regression

Creating a function to calculate temperature components based on given upper and lower boundaries/limits:

def Tc(temperature, T_bound):
    # The return value will be a matrix with as many rows as the temperature
    # array, and as many columns as len(T_bound) [assuming that 0 is the first boundary]

    Tc_matrix = np.zeros((len(temperature), len(T_bound)))
    for ti in range(0,len(temperature)):
        if temperature[ti]>T_bound[1]:


        for n in range(2,5):
            if temperature[ti]>=T_bound[n]:

        if temperature[ti]>T_bound[5]:# If strictly greater (as in the paper), a temp_value=T_bound[5] will be ignored

    return Tc_matrix

Tc_matrix check:

print temp_values[0:10]
print Tc_mat
[ 12.9  13.2  13.2  13.6  13.7  13.7  13.6  13.5  13.2  12.8]
[[ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]
 [ 10.   0.   0.   0.   0.   0.]]


The DesignMatrix function returns the X matrix for the regression problem (in the given equation) by taking in an ndarray of temperature values, a corresponding ndarray of timestamps and a tuple of temperature boundaries.Equation 2. Design Matrix

def DesignMatrix(temperature,timestamps,T_bound):
    NumOfWeeks = 28
    model = "unoccupied weekends"
    if model == "full weekdays":
        m = 480
        n = m*NumOfWeeks
        if model == "full weekends":
            m = 192
            n = m*NumOfWeeks
            if model == "occupied weekdays":
                m = 5*10*4   # 200
                n = m*NumOfWeeks
                if model == "unoccupied weekends":
                    m = 112
                    # m = 14 hours per day * 4 intervals per hour * 2 days in a weekend
                    n = m*NumOfWeeks
    p = m-1
    DesignM = np.zeros((n,m+5))
    #DesignM[:,0] = 1
    Tc_matrix = Tc(temperature,T_bound)
    DesignM[:,p:]= Tc_matrix

    return DesignM

Fitting the Model

Creating a function to calculate least square estimators:

def beta_hat(DM,power_values):

    #np.linalg.pinv is being used get the pseudo inverse.

    beta_H = (np.linalg.pinv(DM.T.dot(DM)).dot(DM.T).dot(power_values))

    return beta_H

now we are choosing unoccupied weekdays (Monday through Friday, (9 AM to 6 PM) as the specific subset of the data.

weekday = map(lambda t: t.weekday(), timestamps)
weekdays = np.where([item ==0 or item==1 or item==2 or item==3 or item==4 for item in weekday])
#print weekends[0][1:78]

hour = map(lambda t: t.hour, timestamps)
occupied = np.where([item>=8 and item<=18 for item in hour])

# finding the commen indices between weekends and unoccupied
idx_new = np.intersect1d(weekdays, occupied, assume_unique=False)


Dividing the data into training data and test data.

whole_data =(timestamps[idx_new], power_values[idx_new], temp_values[idx_new])
trainData =(whole_data[0][0:5742][:], whole_data[1][0:5742][:], whole_data[2][0:5742][:])
#print len(trainData[0])
testData =(whole_data[0][5742:][:], whole_data[1][5742:][:], whole_data[2][5742:][:])
#print len(testData[0])

now let’s create a tuple T bound that defines the boundaries for the temperature intervals that define the different temperature components in our subset dataset. For creating the tuple T-bound, first the lower and upper bound of the temp_values are calculated.

T_lower = min(temp_values[idx_new])
print T_lower
T_upper = max(temp_values[idx_new])
print T_upper
T_bound = (-10,10,30,50,70,90)

using the training dataset, we are generating the X matrix for our analysis using the DesignMatrix function we created above

DM = DesignMatrix(trainData[2][0:3136],trainData[0][0:3136],T_bound)
K = DM.T


M = np.linalg.pinv(L)
print M.shape


(117, 117)


Using the design matrix from above, I am finding the beta values using beta_hat function we defined above

Beta_coeff = beta_hat(DM,trainData[1][0:3136])
#print Beta_coeff[0:10]

Finally, in a single figure with a graph of power versus time, let’s plot the actual power consumption in the test set, and the predictions of the model

DM = DesignMatrix(testData[2][0:3136],testData[0][0:3136],T_bound)
Prediction = DM.dot(Beta_coeff)
fig1= plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
plt.plot(testData[0][0:3136],Prediction[0:3136], 'r')
plt.plot(testData[0][0:3136],testData[1][0:3136], 'b')
plt.title('Predicted and actual value comparison for unoccupied weekdays')
plt.ylabel('Power [Watts]')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f9ec9e63550>


fig1= plt.figure(figsize=(15,5))
plt.plot(testData[0][0:3136],Prediction[0:3136], 'ro')
plt.plot(testData[0][0:3136],testData[1][0:3136], 'bo')
plt.title('Predicted and actual value comparison for occupied weekdays')
plt.ylabel('Power [Watts]')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f9ec9e32c10>

